AFRICAVENDER: THE CONCEPT IS INNOVATIVE. A PERFECT APPLICATION, A RECONCILIATION BETWEEN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, DIGITAL MARKETING AND ONLINE SALES, ITS IN THE DIGITAL AGEWith AFRICA SELLER - We work hard so you dont have toAFRICAVENDER ---- Easy Sell and Buy******************** * AFRICA SELLER * *************************Merchant registration- Addition of products or article by a merchant- Sends push notification to customers- Sending Professional SMS to customersRestaurant registration- Addition of restaurant menu- Sends push notification to customers- Sending Professional SMS to customersCustomer registration- Easy and cheaper online purchase on the app* ----- Integrated WhatsApp group of SUPPORT AFRICA SELLER --------- * are you a merchant? do you have any product to sell? So the AFRICAVENDER application is made to install and publish your products for free,AFRICA SELLER makes life easy for sellers and buyers